I don't feel confident taking anything that I learned today and really using it...

I kept getting feed back from my students as they left our  rapid-fire plant walks saying, "Cameron, I had so much fun annnnnddddd I don't feel confidant taking anything that I learned today and really using it."

That is when I realized that there is a massive gap from learning about a food or medicine on a plant walk to being able to tap into that knowledge as a resource when someone close to us is feeling under-the-weather.

That kind of confidence requires a deep dive, a real visceral knowledge of that plant.

And so, I decided that I wanted to become a a bridge for them by providing in-depth quality information that is grounded in my 14 years of experience learning from my teachers, working with clients, ingesting and making medicines, and doing extensive research in the phytopharmacology and pharmacokinetics of herbal medicines.

The world of herbalism is vast, and often filled with misinformation and vagaries that leave people scratching their heads or the more blustery type primed to at best be completely ineffective or at worst hurt someone or delay effective intervention and prolong suffering. 

I'm here to help you gain competency quickly by deepening your relationship with herbalism one plant at a time.