Simple Bitter Herbs

We can use our sense of taste and smell to ascertain the chemical profile of medical plants with surprising accuracy. This evolved ability has served to protect us by helping us to know what is food, what is medicine, and what is potentially toxic.

We can hone this sense and utilize it to determine the chemical makeup of plants and their general uses.

SIMPLE BITTERS are just that. They don't have aromatic properties or alkaloids like some other bitter herbs.

BITTER HERBS support digestion, increase digestive secretions, support healthy stomach acid and bile production, and stimulate liver function.

Some Examples of Simple Bitter Herbs:

  • Artichoke Leaf

  • Gentian

  • Wild Lettuce

  • Kale

  • Cascara sagrada

  • Hops

Common Properties of Simple Bitter Herbs:

  • shunts blood flow to the digestive organs

  • supports liver detoxification processes

  • stimulates stomach acid production

  • supports healthy bile and enzyme production

  • supports healthy appetite and reduces sugar cravings

  • some are stimulant laxatives

Do you have a favorite bitter herb?

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