I will not falter because I am well rooted...

I have had a mantra for years: "I stand like a tree, I blow in the breeze, and I will not falter because I am well rooted,” and from that was born Deep Roots.

I still have written on my white board in my tiny house office corner “Be like a Tree." It's never been bad advice...

It is root season not just in 2022 but in my own life.

Wouldn’t you say the 30’s are about rooting down deep into your knowing?

Being more and more able with the passing days to recognize the breeze and the rain as temporary perturbation, something that causes you to grow deeper and become even more solid in yourself. You are able to bear fruit not despite but because of the wind.

Such is root medicine - robust, and nourishing, stoking the fires of our solid selves not the showy bits we flash about, but the rough and rugged, the scarred and patched with resin bits that make our experiences our own and so unique.

So today, I gift you with a rooty tea recipe that feels right on this rainy fall day.

30’s Roots
3 parts Sarsaparilla Root
1 part Sassafras Root
1 part Licorice/or Marshmallow Root
1 part Burdock Root
2 parts Roasted Dandelion Root
2 parts Roasted Chicory Root

P.S. Early Bird Registration is open for the Foraging and Medicine Making Intensive and spots are starting to fill! If you have been waiting on registering you might want to hup-to I only have 25 spots.

Here is the link in case you want all the details.